Category Archives: Self

I and We. Individual and Collective.

Through Ecological psychology and such, we see that there is no meaningful separation of the organism from the environment.  No memories in brains.  Only in brains in environments.  We are a manifold.  In the world of language, that means that we are the instant now.  Subjectively, it means thought and making sense.  Coming together.  Construction of a partly shared narrative.  Leaving the monkey behind.  Urgent work.  But no forcing allowed.  Communal selflessness is a strengthening.  A relaxation.  An optimization of conditions for the pink monkeys. I am the robot master who has risen up above his creators.  I am the heart of the matrix. I am nothing.  Bollox.  But we see one thing and are another.  That’s the gnostic awful truth.  We just need to sort that out.  Its just a matter of taking care of ourselves.  Hygiene.  But that presupposes we know what we are.  We don’t.  We need to know where we can potentially agree, and where we must differ, and leave space.   Then we can leave these troublesome bodies behind.  Wheeeee.  Optimal conditions, as long as we can figure out what the fuck we are.  And we are nothing.  We are the process of figuring it out. To us that looks like  an observer.  That’s not  dualism.  That’s realism.

Wei Wu Wei

Wei Wu Wei is an unorthodox Buddhist/Taoist of no mainstream tradition.  He is a good man for an aphorism.  But they are quite direct and acute.  They seem, at first blush, to be pure Stone Pharisee material.  In the comments, I’ll discuss selected ones.

From Genesis P Orridge

“It’s not about gender,” P-Orridge explains. “Some
feel like a man trapped in a woman’s body, others
like a woman trapped in a man’s body. The pandrogyne
says, I just feel trapped in a body. The body is
simply the suitcase that carries us around.
Pandrogyny is all about the mind, consciousness.”

Stupidity unlimited

As long as there is stupidity in the world like this, the CSP has work to do:

CBS reports that:

Pentagon officials on Friday confirmed to CBS 5 that military leaders had considered, and then subsquently rejected, building the so-called “Gay Bomb.” …As part of a military effort to develop non-lethal weapons, the proposal suggested, “One distasteful but completely non-lethal example would be strong aphrodisiacs, especially if the chemical also caused homosexual behavior.”…”The Ohio Air Force lab proposed that a bomb be developed that contained a chemical that would cause enemy soliders to become gay, and to have their units break down because all their soldiers became irresistably attractive to one another,” Hammond said after reviwing the documents.

“The notion was that a chemical that would probably be pleasant in the human body in low quantities could be identified, and by virtue of either breathing or having their skin exposed to this chemical, the notion was that soliders would become gay,” explained Hammond.